>> ART
At Perry Wood Primary School we value Art and Design as it gives pupils of all abilities the opportunities to express themselves and develop their creative imagination. Throughout school, pupils explore many different areas of art with increasing levels of independence. Cross-curricular opportunities provide further development of their artistic key skills and equip them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art. Pupils are engaged and inspired through high-quality art education and pupils’ artwork is showcased and celebrated. Pupils’ aspirations are raised through the wide experiences we offer pupils at Perry Wood.
National Curriculum
Planning is creative and meets the requirements of the National Curriculum. Pupils have the opportunity to create works of art, explore ideas and evaluate creative works.
Pupils have access to a wide variety of Art resources and have opportunities to use a range of media.
Staff plan opportunities to engage children in the theme, from enrichment starter days.
We are part of the Arts hub with strong links to other schools and plan activities to inspire pupils through themed days, hub competitions and planned activities that work towards the Arts mark award.
Wide Horizons
Pupils’ aspirations are raised through the wide experiences we offer pupils such as a wide range of workshops and opportunities to learn skills from key professionals.
Pupils are engaged and inspired by external stimuli Art and design through our international days, themed days, topics, visitors, trips and exhibitions.
Children also have the opportunity to join a wide variety of art clubs which cover a large range of art skills.
Proud Traditions
Pupils are engaged and inspired through high-quality art education and each year during our Griffin Arts Festival (GAF) pupils’ work is showcased and celebrated.
Purposeful outcome or celebration of learning throughout their art topic involving the wider community and artwork from nursery to Y6 displayed in school.
Every child in our school has opportunities to explore their creative skills in a safe, nurturing environment. The teaching of knowledge and skills are planned by teachers and delivered through creative and inspiring sessions inside and outside school.
There is a clear progression document to ensure pupils are taught a sequenced art curriculum. This will enable children to express themselves with ease and confidence, equipped with the required knowledge and skills. All children leave school with a knowledge of a wide range of artists, art movements and styles as well as the skills to experiment and express themselves through art.