As a school community, everyone works together to support our children to come to school every day. Being in school every day and on time means you’ll be on target for success and will take part in the many opportunities that are available.
Attendance is very important for every child at Perry Wood Primary. It is reported to families in the Autumn and Spring term parent consultation and also in the end of the year pupil report to parents. Every child needs to be in school to achieve their best.
Attendance directly impacts achievement
Pupils who have very good attendance are more likely to:
- be at the Age Related Expectation or greater by the end of Key Stage 2
- make lasting friendships
- develop lifelong hobbies and interests
Parental responsibility
It is the duty of the parent of every pupil of compulsory school age to ensure they receive efficient full-time education suitable to their age, and to inform the school every time they are absent. Failure to do this may result with parents being fined and taken to court.
Wherever possible all medical and dental appointments should be made outside of school hours.
How to contact the Attendance Team
Telephone school office after 8am 01905354800
Email office@perrywood.worcs.sch.uk
Message via WEDUC to Lynda Graham, Clare Mahoney or Suzanne Beston
We are taking appropriate, swift and effective action – attendance is everyone’s responsibility.