During their time at Perry Wood, we ensure children develop the necessary reading and writing skills required for the quickly developing world they are a part of. By the time they are ready to leave for their next stage in education, we expect them to be skilled readers who are able to read fluently and widely, applying a range of comprehension skills when unpicking any given text. We endeavour for children to become enthusiastic readers- readers who choose to read for pleasure, discussing various authors, poets and illustrators, deciding on their own preferences about genres, themes and styles of text. As writers, we strive to produce children who write for a range of purposes, knowing when to select grammatical techniques for the best effect. With growing confidence, the children then develop their own style and flair for writing. At Perry Wood we expose children to a plethora of vocabulary, allowing them to make connections between reading and writing, and knowing when to use vocabulary appropriately and creatively. Whilst developing unique writing styles, we ensure children are able to write with grammatical accuracy, knowledge of spelling patterns and rules and develop a fluent, legible handwriting style. Across the whole curriculum, we nurture these skills, considering how children can write for purpose in a range of real life contexts.
Renaissance Learning
Formative assessments will be integrated into daily teaching and learning, accompanied by the use of Star Reading Tests and Accelerated Reader quizzes. All forms of assessment are underpinned by The National Curriculum and The Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework. Assessments are then used to tailor learning to meet the needs of each pupil.
Reading for Pleasure
Staff are role-models for reading, sharing with the children their own enjoyment. As a school we make time for reading daily, providing time to visit our school libraries, discuss authors and texts and encourage book talk. Staff and children alike recommend books to one another through our fortnightly reading newsletter and class displays.
Whole School Events
Together we regularly celebrate a range of events: National Story Telling Week, World Book Day and Reading Week.
We additionally create opportunities to celebrate and enjoy reading as a community- using outdoor reading pods, our school environment and stand-alone events to enhance our reading profile.
Children are enrolled onto the online reading platorm, myOn, which accompanies the use of Renaissance Learning. Children gain access to thousands of high-quality texts, pitched appropriately to the pupil, continuously updating in line with their Star Reading Tests. Children complete quizzes to assess their comprehension of the text and earn rewards as a result of reading.
We embrace every space within the school grounds as a reading space where children can enjoy reading for pleasure, escaping to a world of fantasy and fiction. This includes two school libraries, outdoor spaces, independent learning areas and outdoor reading pods filled with a range of books.
Teachers will plan English based around a high-quality text stimulus, developing an English curriculum underpinned by skills of reading and writing. Children’s knowledge of literature will be developed through class texts, authors and events. Opportunities are designed to develop drama and role play throughout various contexts, which in turn supplements the children’s contexts and purposes for writing.
Pupils leave Perry Wood Primary School having developed a love for reading and writing. This is underpinned by an extensive knowledge and skills set, enabling pupils to apply their learning to a vast range of contexts. Pupils are able to talk enthusiastically about reading and writing and can value the importance of this within everyday life. At the end of every year, we expect pupils to meet at least age related expectations to ensure they are prepared to move forward in their learning. We aim for children to be confident readers and writers, communicating preferences for what they enjoy and why, and showing an extensive knowledge and understand of the links between genres and themes.